Network Configuration for Digital Signage

Network Configuration for Digital Signage

Networking your signage equipment properly is critical in order to enjoy the convenience of our automated update system. Internet typically comes into your store through a cable or DSL modem supplied by your Internet Service Provider.
Typical Cable or DSL Modem

From the modem, your signal must be split among all the different devices that require a connection, such as your cash register, security cameras, and of course your digital signage. This is achieved with a device called a router.
Typical Internet Router
In many cases you will have an internet modem and router all in one device. In other cases, the two devices will be separate. This depends on what you set up at the store and what was provided by your ISP.

A Network Switch is similar to a router. The switch smartly distributes your internet signal to all of your digital menus and promo boards. T3 Digital Signs includes the network switch with our most popular digital signage packages. It is highly recommended to use the switch when setting up more than one digital menu board or promoter.
Typical Network Switch
The network switch is usually a small black or grey box with 8 or more ports on the front of it. T3 sells switches by Cisco, TP-Link, and Linxys.
The main internet signal goes into port #1, and then a cable is run out of each of the remaining ports into your digital media players.

Signage Network Routing
To wire your media players for internet connectivity, use Cat5 or Cat5 Ethernet cable (supplied by T3). Run an Ethernet cable out from one of the LAN ports on your internet router or modem, into Port #1 of your network switch. Then run an Ethernet cable out of the remaining ports in the network switch, going to each of your media players.
Internet Coming Into Wi-Fi Router
Here is a wiring diagram that shows how the entire setup should be connected:

Digital Signage Wiring Diagram

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