Troubleshooting Network Connection

Troubleshooting Network Connection

If your digital signs are not showing an update that should be displaying, they are probably disconnected from the internet. To make sure you have set up your networking equipment properly, please see the knowledge base article titled "Network Configuration for Digital Signage".

If you are sure that your equipment is wired correctly and the internet in your store is working fine, you should power cycle all of your signage equipment in order to restore the network connection.

Locate the following equipment:
Cable or DSL internet modem from your ISP
Wi-Fi Router from your ISP (if applicable)
Network Switch from T3 Digital Signs (optional)
Media Player from T3 Digital Signs
Digital Display from T3 Digital Signs

This equipment all works together to deliver internet connection to your displays. All of it must be power cycled. Wait until the store is closed because you will lose access to the cash register internet for a few minutes.

Unplug or turn off all of your equipment in this order:
Digital Display
Media Player
Network Switch
Internet Router
Internet Modem

Wait approximately 30 seconds to 1 minute, then reconnect power to all equipment in the reverse order:
internet Modem (wait 2-3 minutes before going to next step so modem can connect to internet)
Internet Router
Network Switch
Media Player
Digital Display

After all equipment powers back up, your network connection should be restored. To verify this, look at your Network Switch and Router, and make sure all the active ports have blinking green lights on them. If any ports are dead or have an orange light, you have a networking problem that needs more attention.

If the power cycle didn't solve your connection issue, please submit a trouble ticket.